Would You Like Us To Hand You a $38,364 Per Month Health Business Blueprint ...and Personally Help You Build It?

Hey it's Jordan and Steve,

Are you a nutritionist, MD, health coach, fertility specialist, fitness professional, or other type of practitioner with a passion for health who wants to help people?

Because there's a way to help thousands of people all around the world with your skills right now... by becoming an online health consultant.

Maybe you've never thought of it before, or maybe it didn't work for you in the past... but if you'd like to...

  • Have more time and location freedom
  • Get access to an unlimited number of clients willing to pay you for help
  • And make a bigger impact on people all over the world

Then building and growing an online health consulting practice could change your life forever.

In fact, over the past two years, our PART-TIME health consulting practice has generated $734,054 in revenue - and as a result, we've been able to quit our day jobs as engineers and help over 600 clients in 31 countries.

This system that we've developed pleases clients and delivers the ability to create the life you've always wanted.

Along the way, we talked to many talented practitioners (many better than us) and learned that they weren't having the kind of success we were. They were actually struggling to get clients, which surprised us because...

Here's the problem we saw: Millions of sick people across the world are seeking help from experts like you - but they're not getting it.

The "Invisible Lab Coat" That Stops Most People From Having a Successful Online Consulting Practice

Why aren't these people getting the help they need?

It's simple...

All those sick people in the world, the one's actively looking for help...

The ones who desperately need you...

They can't find you.

They're searching for you...

They know they need your help...

But they can't find you...

Over the last 3 years, we've found that no matter what your specialty is, there's pretty much a "universal problem" that can guarantee your online practice fails.

In fact, we surveyed 4,000 health coaches and practitioners and they shared that same problem with their current practice...

Everyone said their #1 frustration was "Getting Clients and Marketing."

We affectionately call it wearing the "Invisible Lab Coat"...

Why call it an invisible lab coat? Because lab coats are the universal sign for health practitioners. And...

Even though many talented practitioners have a website... or even a physical practice... or even if they're just starting out...

They can't get clients. Their marketing isn't working...

It's like they're invisible and it feels horrible.

The worst part? All those sick people that need their help can't find them.

The good news: after growing our own successful online health consulting practice, and helping two of our own practitioners do the same thing, we've figured out how to remove this invisible lab coat...

"I have over a decade of clinical experience, but I literally felt like a blue-collar worker…"

“I'm a Functional Medicine Practitioner and Licensed Acupuncturist who helps people with chronic fatigue figure out the root cause of their symptoms and overcome them through nutritional and lifestyle strategies. Before this program, I had been undercharging for my services (interpreting lab work and designing a treatment protocol) because many people kept telling me they couldn't afford my services. I have over a decade of clinical experience, but I literally felt like a blue-collar worker because of the constant haggling on price by tire-kickers who wanted the cheapest "deal" in town.

When Jordan and Steve explained their process of enrolling clients and following up with them, it set a light bulb off in my head and I immediately raised my rates. Now I am making triple the amount that I was previously making, and working with patients who are more committed to following through with their treatment protocol because they've made a more significant financial investment in their health." - Jamie Koonce - Energized.Life

How Jen Took Her Health Business to the Next Level (Including 500 New Facebook Fans)

Whether You Want Your 1st Client, 20 New Clients, or 75 New Clients Every Month - This System Works

Beginner or Advanced, Part-time or Full-time... the system scales to meet your desires and abilities.

It's Engineered, Proven and Tested.

Believe it or not, the more complex your business gets, the more you learn, you begin to realize that the "business of health" is all about simple fundamentals.

Get those right and you're going to be successful.

In EVERY sport at the professional level, it’s widely recognized that the difference is that pros do the fundamentals flawlessly.

Whether it's Basketball, Tennis, Baseball, Gymnastics, and "yes" this even applies to Health Consulting.

Unfortunately, the marketplace somehow expects you to be great at helping people with their health AND business fundamentals.

It's Not Fair...To Spend Years Becoming a Practitioner and Find Out You Need a Masters in Business to Succeed

Most of us started with a dream...

To serve people who need help, to change lives, and to improve generations of families in the health field.

But that dream gets stolen from way too many people.

In fact, it's not uncommon for many Naturopaths and Chiropractors to never even make it past the first year of business. Sadly, when they try to do it alone it's the norm to fail.

And that's a tragedy.

Training schools and certification programs spend so much time giving you skills to help improve people's health. That's what they specialize in, not in business.

So if you want to also have your own practice, you either need to be willing to grind it out for many years living paycheck to paycheck or go get some business training like an MBA.

And sadly, that's not always a proven way to succeed.

Because most people that teach business typically have NEVER created a successful health businesses. And so you end up learning things that don't apply.

We want to change this. We want to give you, a gifted healer, the chance to actually help the world. And that means learning the simple fundamentals that matter!

In case you've lost the dream, in case you're wondering if it's actually possible, we need you to understand some things...

The DEMAND Is Overwhelming! Sick People Need You

There are more chronically sick people than ever, the CDC of America reports that about HALF of adults (117 Million people) have at least 1 chronic disease.

If you include things like IBS, PMS and all the other "syndromes" the CDC doesn't include, the number is likely way higher.

And if you think about the entire world population, the number becomes overwhelming! Lucky for us the internet has changed the game. Now you can help people around the globe.

The point is: there's a lot of people that need support.

Just look at a typical day of questions on our Facebook wall:

Simply put, if you have the skills to change people's health and you don't have clients contacting you every day... there's a big problem.

And it's not that they can't pay you.

The data tells the story, according to Forbes, in 2014, the consulting market is a $431 billion global industry... $180.0 billion in the US alone.

And even though the economy has been in a slump, the US Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that consulting is predicted to grow 83% by 2018!

Are these figures all health consulting? No.

But you can feel it can't you? The shift is happening. People are getting sick and tired of being sick and tired and not getting the help they need.

They want professionals who can actually help, from those who take time to care about their specific issues and won't just prescribe them a pill and kick them out. They want a plan and guidance to actually fix their issues and get well.

That's why we're ecstatic about the "Practitioner Liberation Project."

Back when Jordan was having diarrhea 10-15X a day, he spent years trying to find someone who could help him on the internet. He fired 3 Doctors... and this project is all about making sure what happened to him NEVER happens to other people struggling with health challenges.

But before we talk more about the Project, and show you our model for free below, it's important for you to know who we CAN help...

"It felt like the floodgates were opened toward ideas for my business."

“I'm a health coach that helps women naturally lose weight without obsessing about food and their body. I initially joined PLP to find out how to use Facebook and for legal liability. Before PLP, I tried doing all of this on my own. Since joining, I finally discovered my niche and direction on where to go with my business. Before PLP I would spend a little time here and there trying to figure out appointment programs and how to use Facebook, without much success. After PLP I have refined my website and I have direction with Facebook. It felt like the floodgates were opened toward ideas for my business. I told my family and friends that it finally feels like I can move forward instead of just feeling like I was running in place.” - Shawna Silberzahn

Carole FINALLY Launched her FDN Practice Online

Because This Is NOT for Everyone Here's Who We CAN Help:

We can help you remove the "Invisible Lab Coat," so you can easily get clients and grow your online health consulting practice... but first, some important business to take care of...

In order for us to share this blueprint and personally help you build your health consulting practice, you're going to need to meet some strict (but reasonable) criteria.

Here It Is:

1. You have to have some kind of health credentials.

Whether you're a health coach, Psychologist, or a Licensed MD practicing functional medicine, we just need to know that you can ACTUALLY help people with their health.

That doesn't mean you have to have a license, but we can't just give our blueprint to just anyone who lost a few pounds and wants to help others do the same thing.

It's fine if you're still working towards a certification, for example, here's a few that make sense:

  • MD, DO, DC, LaC, Nutritionist etc.
  • Psychologist, Pharmacist, Psychiatrist, Hypnotherapist
  • The Institute for Transformational Nutrition
  • The Institute for the Psychology of Eating
  • Functional Diagnostic Nutrition
  • Kalish Mentorship
  • Nutrition Master's Program
  • Health Coaching Programs
  • Personal Training Programs

The point is: you need to have some training or some results that show you CAN help people.

The material is very powerful and we have an obligation to only teach those who are going to do good in the world.

2. You must have a good reputation.

Everything we do together will not only be bringing you more clients, sales, and profits, but we'll be doing it in a way that creates MASSIVE goodwill.

And in order for us to do that, you need to have your act together. We're just trying to make sure you have a good heart and you're in it to help people, not be scammy or weird.

In other words, you need to be legit.

3. You cannot be in this to "get rich quick"

Look, that's just a disaster waiting to happen and we're not going to go there together.

I don't care how passionate you are.

So if you're in this just to get rich and work from your laptop on the beach, we can't help you.

But if you're providing your market with a great service... and you're ready to do what it takes to be successful... we can hit it out of the park together.

That's it! Those are all of our requirements. If you fit them, please keep reading on and we're excited to partner with you!

The Simple Marketing Blueprint That Generates Clients Over and Over

The model goes like this...

Choose: Pick out the exact, specific, perfect client.
Traffic: Get some of those exact people to come to you.
Get Leads: Send those people to a place with a compelling offer.
Value First: Follow up with the 3-step "help them first" process.
Conversion: Turn that prospect into a customer
Then, walk them step-by-step through the "Client Retention Journey."

Even though the process seems fairly simple...

And even though we've proven it in our consulting practice...

You'd think everyone would be doing it...

But, the fact remains, you have an incredible advantage because...

"I am super proud to announce that my first program launch... took in just over $20,000 in sales during the 6-day launch..."

“I am super proud to announce that my first program launch (Paleo Rehab: Adrenal Fatigue) with my business partner took in just over $20,000 in sales during the 6-day launch. And that's AFTER affiliates got their payouts! I used much of the info I learned from this course, as well as imitating Jordan and Steve’s marketing strategies, and we had some awesome affiliates on board. I'm SO stoked with how well we did, and the process was highly stressful and nerve-wracking (waiting for the sales to come!) but SO SO worth it. Thanks Jordan and Steve for your great advice and example!” - Laura Schoenfeld - Ancestralizeme.com

"I managed to get enough clients and earn enough money to quit my day job and stop working at a clinic."

“I’m from Germany and I joined the PLP program to get some insight into marketing in the health business. I managed to get enough clients and earn enough money to quit my day job and stop working at a clinic. I’ve learned a different way of marketing than anything I’ve ever heard before. Since I joined, I think I’ve earned about $10,000 Euro in the last 3 months. Actually, I think I made back the fee for the program in about 3 weeks. Sometimes, it’s better to just start and not try to make everything perfect. I can tell everybody who wants to help people, just join the program. They will be grateful. Thank you for the program and for getting me started. For me, I wouldn’t have done it without you. I’m really grateful. You’ve changed my life!” - Dr. Simone Koch

Sarah Built Her Online Coaching Practice From Scratch (And Then Raised Her Rates)

We're Willing to Hand You This Exact Detailed Process

We'll tell you why we're doing this in a minute, but first - let us take it one step further for you.

Not only are we going to give you the exact consulting blueprint, we're also going to personally help you set it up in your business.

Think about that. You're literally getting the exact plan that has allowed us to help over 600 clients and generate $734,054 in revenue in less than two years. Working an average of 10 hours per week (combined)[1].

Here's What This Has Done for Our Business... What Can It Do for Yours?

In case we haven't met, we're Jordan Reasoner and Steven Wright, the founders of SCDLifestyle.com. We're a couple of engineers turned "health engineers."

7 years ago, we were sick as hell, and after we turned around our health, we wanted to help others do the same...

And if you've ever struggled with digestive problems, there's a good chance you've seen our company.

In fact, since 2009, we've helped over 147,000 people in 153 different countries around the world do one simple thing: HEAL THEIR GUT.

But a Few Years Ago, It Was Different.

I'll be the first to tell you that we're not one of those "instant success" stories you might read about online.

The fact is, we bootstrapped this company and it wasn't always easy.

We were two poor kids from Michigan who started the company on credit cards... and for the first few years, we were absolutely broke.

Like so many other entrepreneurs, we had a dream and invested a small fortune in our company and worked like dogs ...often staying up all night, skipping meals, and working 80 to 90-hour work weeks.

And like so many other business, we hit our share of roadblocks. In fact, for the first few years, we lost money.

But that was until we discovered...

A Process That Grew Our Revenues By 700% LITERALLY.

Lots of people like to throw exaggerated numbers around so let me give you the specific growth that happened.

In 2012, we had been struggling to make ends meet for 3 full years... we were creating online information products and barely breaking even.

In fact, we hadn't even taken a dime out of the company yet...

Then, in 2013, we discovered the "root concept" of the consulting blueprint we're going to share with you.

That year, our revenues went from $124,640 to $739,858 and for the first time, we were able to start seeing a return on all the blood, sweat, and tears we'd put into building the business[1].

(And we finally quit our day jobs as engineers)

Then in 2014, we began to refine the process, and our revenue went from $739,858 to well into the 7 figures[1] — all because of what we'll be sharing with you.

(That's what I call getting UNstuck!!)

Now, this is where it gets interesting...

While we were getting our own business "unstuck," we also started helping two practitioners build an online health consulting practice with the goal of someday having at least 50 practitioners working with us, one in every single state.

We wanted to see if it would work universally - "across the board" — not just for us.

That's when we realized we were onto something...

How $20,000 in Legal Bills Turned Into the Blueprint You're Getting Today

Things were going well... the practitioners (Brie and Stephanie) were happy. The clients were happy. And the blueprint was working perfectly...

But then everything went terribly sideways.

Hours and hours of phone calls with different legal experts made us sad, sick to our stomach, and angry.

Regardless of how we tried to make it work within the current laws, the "50 Practitioners in each state" thing wasn't going to happen...

We we're crushed...

We had the blueprint. We knew what to do. Hardly anyone was doing it... and yet, we couldn't build our dream business because we weren't MDs (and lot's of other legal mumbo jumbo).

In our hearts, we knew that so many people needed help just like we did back when we were sick... and so many practitioners are doing good work in the world, but it was driving us crazy that all the sick people couldn't find them.

Then, after several months of contemplation, we came up with an exciting new idea... let's share our $38,364 Per Month Health Consulting Blueprint with hundreds of practitioners... and personally help them integrate it in their own business...

Let's show practitioners "how to" do what we did.

It was so much bigger than anything we imagined before...

"I just wanted you to know that in eight short weeks you have truly changed my life."

“I just wanted to take this opportunity to say how incredibly grateful I am to be a part of your programs and mentorships. You both have opened your hearts in such a huge way to help new coaches like me to get started and I cannot thank you enough. I have so much admiration and respect for you both, and I am continually blown away at how much you have accomplished in such a short period of time. I just wanted you to know that in eight short weeks you have truly changed my life. Your guidance has helped me define my online business, brand and niche, create a business road map, and you provided invaluable business building tools and advice to achieve true greatness and success in this industry. I continue to have large goals, a crystal-clear mission and a laser focus as I follow in your footsteps. I am inspired to help thousands, just as you have over the past six years. Every week, I was overwhelmed by your generosity, commitment and kindness. I look forward to continuing this journey with you both. Thank you again for all you do. I am honored to be a part of your dream.” - Kimberly

If This Blueprint Is So Great, Why Are You Giving It to Me?

Fair enough. I'll be straightforward and tell you that our intentions are largely self-serving.

See, this blueprint is simple, it's efficient, and it's brutally effective.

And we've finally grown our online business to multiple 7-figures. We have this consulting blueprint thing figured out...

Yet, we've had the same mission all along... help hundreds of thousands of people that are sick just like we were.

And we can't do that seeing 600 clients 1-on-1...

But imagine if we could help 500 practitioners build and grow their online health consulting practice this year... and imagine they each helped 600 clients just like we did...

That's over 300,000 people struggling with chronic illness whose lives will forever be changed.

Now that's a reason to get out of bed in the morning!

We want to change at least 300,000 lives this year that we don't directly work with 1-on-1. And we're excited to join forces with you and many others to change the lives of at least 300,000 people.

But it begs the question...

Are You Ready to Build and Grow Your Online Health Consulting Practice?

When we asked 4,000+ practitioners and health coaches this question, the overwhelming response was YES! 95% said they want an online health consulting practice as part of their business!

If you're anything like us, you want the freedom, the control, and the ability to work from home — the type of lifestyle business that got us out of the rat race.

But, the ugly truth is, most practitioners are struggling to make ends meet. In fact, the average hourly rate for practitioners is $70/hour (before overhead costs)...

To be honest, you should be making considerably more than that... especially because of the life-saving work you're doing.

When you dreamed of turning your passion for health into a career, did you see yourself exhausted, struggling to make ends meet, and endlessly worrying about getting clients?

Did you imagine feeling the weight of becoming trapped in this cycle for the rest of your life?

Did you ever think you'd be invisible to the very people you can help?

But then, what if things could be different?

What if things could be different?

Imagine it's a Wednesday morning.

You wake up without an alarm clock.

You take a shower and brew some tea. You open your computer.

There's your calendar, full of 6 appointments with new paying clients that are anxious to work with you.

While sipping your tea, a smile crosses your face as you open Skype to start your first appointment.

After the appointment, you upload your notes for your part-time staff, who follow the system they've been trained on and handle everything for the client (who can't wait to start taking your advice).

Then, it's on to the next appointment.

THIS ISN'T JUST A FANTASY. THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT WE BUILT. And you can build a successful online health practice too, even if you are just starting out and do it on the side.

You Can Have a Complete Breakdown of Our Consulting Blueprint... with Personal Help Tailoring It to Your Business!

If you're ready to turn your passion into a proven health business, then we want to help you.

We call it "The Practitioner Liberation Project."

And you're invited to be a part of it.

It's a private mentorship, where over a 16-week period we're going to hand you a $38,364 per month health consulting blueprint ...and personally help you build it.

What's even better?

The health and wellness industry is rapidly growing and right now it’s the perfect time to get ahead of the rest of the people trying to enter this market. With our proven strategies, you’ll be far ahead of everyone else.

And getting a head start is very important.

Not only that, but because we understand how important it is for you to succeed, we're going to invest more of our personal time to make sure you're successful. That means ongoing support and your personal questions answered on a regular basis.

"It’s this kind of fear that has prevented me from moving forward in the past."

“A big thank you to Jordan and Steve for a great live Q&A call last week. Thanks for answering my question around daily motivation/fear. It really helped hearing your feedback. Taking those action steps on the daily now and walking toward and through the fear (even if it’s just microsteps). I now keep a quick log and calendar journal of my actions and feeling for each day. This helps me stay focused and not get too overwhelmed by the fears (currently of hitting 'publish' on an article or boosting a post on Facebook). Many thanks guys and everyone here for your positive support and feedback. It’s this kind of fear that has prevented me from moving forward in the past. Thanks!” - Ashley Anderson


The Practitioner Liberation Project includes weekly video coursework, HD training videos, "tech training" step-by-step modules, worksheets, and the exact back office systems you'll need to build and grow your online health business.

It's everything we did... everything we used... and everything you need to do exactly the same thing.

All the videos are watchable on any device, and included are audio, and transcription of each, almost everything is downloadable in just about every format you can imagine, from any device out there.

We'll layout the blueprint, show you exactly how to implement it like we did, and give you everything you need to execute it.

How the Mentorship Process Works...

Here’s Just a Small Sneak Peak at What You’ll Be Getting…

Create Your Plan for Success

  • How to remove the “Invisible Lab Coat” once and for all... so clients can actually find you and you can really give your healing gifts
  • Correcting the biggest marketing mistake most people make (how to find the exact person that needs you and is ready to pay you today)
  • Crafting your marketing story to build trust and goodwill with your clients before they ever start working with you 1-on-1
  • Crawling inside your client's head - the most important exercise you’ll ever do to become successful (we’ll walk you through it, step-by-step)
  • How to Master the 3 critical traffic pipelines that we used to find over 600 clients in less than 2 years
  • Mastering the productivity and mindset habits every successful business owner needs
  • How to create magnetic articles that makes Google bring you clients excited to work with you, month-after-month

Growing and Building Your Business

  • Naming, designing, and building your website (most people get this horribly wrong)
  • How to Master the 3 critical traffic pipelines that we used to find over 600 clients in less than 2-years
  • Copywriting 101: get this wrong and you won’t create the compelling content that makes you different than every other practitioner on the internet
  • The keys to email marketing done right… including how we sent one email that booked over $21,500 in client revenue (you can use it!)
  • How to create a list of rabid fans who can’t wait to work with you (when you’re schedule finally gets open, of course)
  • Why Facebook is the #1 place your future clients are looking for you (and how to get them to find you)
  • The “Client Conversion” process: how to create a compelling offer that answers the questions inside your clients heads (before they even have to ask)
  • The most effective 1-on-1 technique we used to convert clients… this is for people just starting out that want to book clients immediately

Find and Convert Customers

  • How we booked 30 clients in a single day, for the next level practitioners (including the free teleseminar case study that you can use)
  • Scripts for every single piece of content you create to make sure they bring you new clients years later
  • Webinar secrets that leverage your time and explode your practice (only when you’re ready)
  • The “Client Retention Journey” - the step-by-step emails that gets clients to come back for help over and over
  • The step-by-step scripts we used for the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd appointment - so you use the same blueprint that helped us make over $500/hour from very happy clients
  • When to raise your rates so you don’t get HATE mail and clients respect you more than ever (do this wrong and it could destroy your business)
  • Why setting boundaries will save you from answering hours of exhausting questions (we give you our exact system to use)

Scale Your Profitable Business

  • The business fundamentals we messed up, including taxes, staff, business coaches and expenses
  • How to use our exact business dashboard to know everything about your business in less than 5 minutes (including your REAL hourly rate)
  • Ninja Promotion Strategies we used to turn the slowest months into the best moths… and how we built systems to get more clients this way
  • Why products are the next step after consulting and a huge path to more freedom (literally generate sales while you’re sleeping)
  • The blueprint for creating information products that people not only want but will buy right from the day you finish it
  • How to “Survey First, Create Later” - the strategy for making your first information products that sells it before it even exists
  • How to keep making progress when “life happens,” overwhelm happens and how to know when you're wasting time on your business
  • How we built our amazing team… including our exact hiring process that will save you $1,000s in bad hires
  • The 6 Bottlenecks: How to identify the areas of your business that are holding you back from doubling or tripling your practice

But the program isn't going to stop there...

5 Breakthrough Bonuses from Some of the Most Sought After People in the Industry
(Our Inner Circle of Mentors)

BONUS #1 How to Protect Yourself From Legal Liability (Peter Hoppenfeld)

($750 Value)

Bonus interview with our Personal Lawyer, Peter Hoppenfeld, to make sure that you're not setting yourself up for failure in your online health consulting practice. He’s the lawyer of the “Who’s Who” in the Health Industry and there's a TON of laws you NEED to be aware of... so get the knowledge and peace of mind we spent over $20,000 to receive.

BONUS #2 Advanced Selling and Copywriting (Michael Lovitch)

($1,500 Value)

Bonus interview with Michael Lovitch, who has helped sell over $100 Million in the health and wellness industry. He’s one of the most sought after marketing consultants in the industry. From information products, physical products to supplements, he shows you how you can sell effectively, even as a beginner .

BONUS #3 Get Unlimited Traffic From The Network Effect (Hollis Carter)

($3,000 Value)

Bonus interview with Hollis Carter, who is considered one of the most networked people in online marketing. He’s built several multi-million dollar businesses and understands the affiliate market better than almost anyone.

BONUS #4 How To Create A Massive Following On Facebook (Curt Maly)

($3,000 Value)

Two bonus interviews with Curt Maly, one of the fastest growing Facebook experts and a new friend of ours. He’s personally responsible for building up some of the largest Facebook pages. He shares his nuts and bolts strategies for social media success, how to think like Facebook instead of trying to game the system, and how to use Facebook ads to really scale your company (even with only a few dollars a day).

BONUS #5: "Marketing Hot Seats: Our Personal Consultants Improve 4 Businesses

($2,000 Value)

Learning through someone else’s challenge is a time-tested way to see huge blind spots and holes in your business. Why? Because your pride and emotions aren’t on the line. Our personal business and marketing consultants Michael and Hollis changed 4 people’s lives during these hot seats that you won’t want to miss.

(the best bonus ever!)

This is the part where we want to make sure you're successful.

No. Matter. What.

The Practitioner Liberation Project will guide you through implementing our blueprint for success in your business. But, let’s be clear, knowledge is only HALF the equation. It takes execution to create a profitable business.

And when you’re executing, there are KNOWN blocks you will hit.

You’re likely get overwhelmed at times, you’ll get scared at times, you’re going to be unsure about some marketing ideas and everyone knows that technology and legal issues are so frustrating.


As part of the mentorship, you’ll be getting a LIFETIME of FREE access to our private Facebook group just for PLP members - The PLP Mastermind. This group is the solution to all of these issues.

Inside of the PLP Mastermind, you’ll have the chance to connect with other PLP members who have been through the same experience of building their own online health business. In the PLP Mastermind you can talk about all the areas that most people get stuck: things like marketing, business, legal, technology, practice management, and copywriting.

Not to mention, you’ll have exclusive access to more than 100 hours of recorded Q&A calls with Steve, Jordan, and our law and tech consultants, too. If you have a question, we bet it’s covered here.

Included in PLP Mastermind, you'll get;

You won’t be alone.

The PLP Mastermind is here to help you get UN stuck.

This is a Value of $4,000 a month -- for you it’s free.

But I'll take it one step further...


If you take action on the material, and in the first 30 days you decide you don't love it, you can send us an email showing us the work you've done and that you're not happy with the results. We’ll be happy to refund your money.

If you use the material and it doesn't work for you, we certainly don't want to keep your investment.

Over the years, we've been in your shoes a lot. We've spent over $100,000 on business coaches, information products about building an online business, and all kinds of stuff that just plain didn't work.

We're confident this blueprint works, though.

That's why we guarantee it for you like this.

So, please take the mentorship with us and if it doesn't work, email us, show us you've done some of the worksheets and taken action on the material, and we will be happy to refund your money in full.

Why do we ask you to show you've done the work?

Because we know this works when you use it. We don't want to keep your money if you're not happy with the results, but we also care about you. We want to see you succeed. And that's only going to happen when you actually take action on the material during this mentorship together.

NOTE: People who invest in the program and never use it and ask for a refund do not qualify until they ACTUALLY try the material first.


"I am very convinced that this course is the missing link for me."

“I am very thankful that I took the step of being committed to this course, and being a part of this community. Jordan, I read before on one of your blogs how you lost your mom, and I just want to say she would be so absolutely proud of you and your mission, and your success. Steve, both of you are so sensible and down to earth, and at times I find myself replaying what you have said so matter of factly, and it has helped. To both of you, you are both very smart, motivated and hardworking guys, and you should be proud. I am very convinced that this course is the missing link for me, because for 14 years I have been in this small town, wearing the invisible lab coat, 16 years since residency, and 21 years since medical school. I now look at my "day job" from a new perspective of getting inside their heads, getting to their fears, their wants and "everything is a test." Much of your advice applies to many aspects of running a business or a practice successfully. You hit the nail on the head with this one, and I want to say "congrats." Many thanks. I will have to buy another course from you, because I have enjoyed hearing from you so much. Blessings to you both.” - Dr. Michelle Quaye

"...I knew that I wanted to run an online nutrition-focused business but really was not clear where to start and which programs were best to use."

“I'm a Certified Holistic Nutritionist who will be helping moms of special needs children eat a slenderized diet and thrive. I joined the program to learn the steps and get some guidance in setting up my own online nutrition business. Before PLP I knew that I wanted to run an online nutrition-focused business but really was not clear where to start and which programs were best to use. PLP helped clarify and saved hours of research trying to figure it out on my own.

I have shared with other practitioners the usefulness of this program. I would definitely make it longer. There was a lot to do and take action on each week - almost too much to do in 8 weeks! I would either provide less content each week and spread it out over 16 weeks or provide the same amount with more time in between each session.” - Lisa Anderson

Here's What I Want You to Do Next

If you would like to build and grow a successful online health business, it's time to choose to join us for this 16-week mentorship and become part of the "Practitioner Liberation Project."


  • 16 Profitable Business Building Modules
  • Worksheets, Transcripts, & Our Full Business Blueprint
  • 18 Tech Training Videos
  • 13 Hours of Specialized Help Inside the Business Vault
  • Lifetime of Support in the PLP Facebook Mastermind
  • Bonus: Legal Liability
  • Bonus: Advanced Selling and Copywriting
  • Bonus: The Network Effect for Unlimited Traffic
  • Bonus: Creating a Massive Facebook Following
  • Bonus: 4 Hot Seat Case Study Breakdowns
  • Lifetime Access to the Mentorship
TOTAL VALUE of $55,250
7 Payments of $797

Or Save $582 -- Pay in full

"I've set up my webinar for 2 weeks' time, and will officially be launching my online product on that."

“I surveyed my list on the topic they would like for a webinar. I got 44 responses (which I think is the same as you guys got on your first survey so I'm hoping that's a good sign!), and while it helped to confirm the direction I was planning on taking anyway, it also made it clearer for me — some of their big fears regarding their illness and the language they use. So, I've set up my webinar for 2 weeks time, and will officially be launching my online product on that. So, I'm excited....and BUSY! (and trying to repeatedly remind myself to stop trying to make it 100% perfect!). Thanks for the help so far!” - Greg Williams

Deborah’s Transition from a Full-Time Chiropractic Practice to an Online Business

"Before PLP, I just created a website and was waiting for people to come."

“I am an Acupuncture Physician and functional medicine practitioner that helps people who have difficulty losing weight and overcoming sugar/carbohydrate addiction. I joined PLP to learn the ins and outs of crafting an online health consulting business. Before PLP, I just created a website and was waiting for people to come. Since joining PLP, I finally created a niche and I used the copywriting techniques taught in the course to generate an 18 page guide for my niche. The whole process of creating a hero's journey, narrowing your niche, and using basic copywriting techniques allowed me to finally focus my efforts and generate content that had not been possible for me before the program.

I am taking action every day and moving forward. There is so much information and value presented in the course that I will be implementing for a while. Creating my first free report was a huge win. This is something I have wanted to do for years but did not have the tools or skills to get it done before taking the PLP program. There is so much material to implement that I think most would need more time to get through all the steps and still have support. Keep all the great info coming.” - Michael Costa

Michelle’s Growing Her Functional Medicine Practice

The UGLY TRUTH: What You Haven't Been Told About Starting an Online Business (But the Voice in Your Head Knew All Along)

We're going to show you what worked well for us, and it's our hope that you will be able to utilize the blueprint to get the results you're after.

We also care a lot about you. And just so you're aware, there's going to be a TON of material coming out in the next few years from many of the health personalities about how to start an online health business... and that's probably great information, but make sure you're on the lookout for people who may be teaching things they haven't actually done themselves... we fell into that trap before and spent $1,000s on that mistake

In the spirit of "behind the scenes," let me share a little secret that many business teachers don't want you to know...

A 7-figure online business is hard work. It's blood, sweat, and tears. It's late nights and long weekends. It's not all "work from your laptop on the beach while the money rolls in." And it takes time.

With that said, I want you to know creating an online business isn't a mystical unicorn. In fact, there's a PROVEN model that most of us who've done it have followed.

STEP 1: Build a successful consulting practice

STEP 2: Create amazing products to sell (and do it well)

STEP 3: Create live events and serve up a great experience

This 3-Pillar system is not sexy for a marketing guru to sell you, which is why many of the courses we've invested in over the years try and dress it up to seem different. They're trying to reinvent something to sell the "online business dream."

I really wish we would have have learned it a long time ago. Quitting our day jobs could have happened so much sooner!

It takes hard work and dedication, but here's the fascinating part. To do it the fastest, the first step is always to build an amazing and successful consulting practice.

And we got you covered if you want to do this.


  • 16 Profitable Business Building Modules
  • Worksheets, Transcripts, & Our Full Business Blueprint
  • 18 Tech Training Videos
  • 13 Hours of Specialized Help Inside the Business Vault
  • Lifetime of Support in the PLP Facebook Mastermind
  • Bonus: Legal Liability
  • Bonus: Advanced Selling and Copywriting
  • Bonus: The Network Effect for Unlimited Traffic
  • Bonus: Creating a Massive Facebook Following
  • Bonus: 4 Hot Seat Case Study Breakdowns
  • Lifetime Access to the Mentorship
TOTAL VALUE of $55,250
7 Payments of $797

Or Save $582 -- Pay in full

Today, You Have 3 Choices...

There is an opportunity in front of you.

The fact of the matter is online health consulting is an incredibly lucrative, fun and respectable service that's simple to add to your current physical practice or perfect stand-alone business.

Now is your time to start saving lives — to start helping people with their health.

Yes, it's confusing. Yes, it's overwhelming. But no one said it is going to be easy.

If you're ready to turn your passion for health into a successful career, you have three choices...


You can do it yourself.

You can architect the perfect system based on the marketing model we spoke about above, you can write the ads, you can create the marketing materials, and you can perfect the back office systems for your client experience.

Then, you can build your own sign up pages, craft your own follow up messages, configure your own shopping cart, program your own website, and do all the other "tech stuff" associated with actually deploying a system like the one we built.

And if you decide to do that, great. We wish you the best of luck. We assure you it's worth the effort and time you'll invest!


We can just give you the exact blueprint and walk you through it step-by-step.

If you choose to do that, we'll help you create the perfect "marketing pipeline," we'll help you craft the ultimate "lead magnet," and we'll hone your marketing so that you never have to worry about getting clients again.

Then, we'll help you map out your "client retention journal," your back office systems, and help you scale your practice by hiring a team using the same process we used.

Then, we'll help you create a powerful follow up sequence that turns leads into clients who are excited to work with you.

And we'll help you create another one that turns customers into long-term clients who bring you more clients and finally, we'll help you create a perfectly detailed "build sheet" so you can turn it over to the tech team and let them do all the "tech stuff" for you.

Because let's face it, the money's in ACTUALLY helping your clients not in constantly worrying about getting clients and figuring out this "marketing thingy."

And if you choose to have us help you do it, it's reasonably priced and we can't wait to work with you.

But there is one more choice you have today, one that no one talks about, one that we hope you don't make...


Do Nothing

Imagine your life 6 months from now, if you choose to do nothing.

What will be different? Will you be any closer to your financial and career goals?

How many people will you have helped?

Whether or not you decide to work with us, we hope that no matter what you don't choose to do nothing... because that means that those people that need your help aren't going to get it. And you've got so many gifts to give this world. Please don't let them go to waste...

And with that said, it's time to join the "Practitioner Liberation Project."

Here's what our current students had to say when asked: "Why did you join the Practitioner Liberation Project?"

First off - I make most of my choices on intuition, and I could feel the integrity and heart oozing from you guys.

I have an expensive business coach already, and as much amazing stuff as I'm learning from her, I want the nitty gritty of acquiring clients online. I'm in Canada and I really want most of my client base to come from the US, therefore I have to figure out how to meet clients virtually. I'm hoping to learn the specific steps and tech tips to setting this system up, so that networking in person isn't my only means of gaining clients (ie. in person networking events take up much time and money and energy).

Britt Lane

I was too afraid of putting myself out there. That was one thing that held me back from ITN. I knew I had to be good at business if I was going to succeed. I believe I am ready for that now.

I've had little formal business training. I attempted once to run an online soap business. Made the soap, did it all. Then I completely chickened out when the time came to sell it. I was too afraid of putting myself out there. That was one thing that held me back from ITN. I knew I had to be good at business if I was going to succeed. I believe I am ready for that now. I feel like my main fear is because I'm an introvert and it just feels very exposing to put myself out there. So, I joined to learn from you guys. I know I need more training. I've watched you guys build your business over the past four years and I trust you. That is enough for me.

Jyl Cantieri McLean

I know how to help 99% of individuals who are in need of guidance with their health. What I need is a blueprint for an online business that actually works, and you guys are promising to deliver that.

Most of the programs I have seen claim that I'm not getting the number of patients I desire nor am I able to charge the fees that I desire because I'm lacking in certification in X,Y,Z, or knowledge in how to help my patients heal. Not that I am closed to staying current and learning new research and new "healing" skills, but I know for an absolute fact that I know how to help 99% of individuals who are in need of guidance with their health. What I need is a blueprint for an online business that actually works, and you guys are promising to deliver that.

Jamie Koonce

I'm looking for a starting point, some help clarifying my dreams, and a road map to get me going.

I hope to transition to part-time hospital neurology practice (unsure if I'll continue to do that long-term, or just as a bridge while building my functional practice). Partly, this is for my own health, as getting away from the stress of the emergency hospital practice, and the physical strain of alternating day and night work will be important in continuing my recovery. I have not yet decided whether I would like my functional practice to be strictly 'virtual', or whether to have an actual clinic (in my case, my dream would combine that with a gallery for my artwork, and maybe a coffee house/education center). I can see partnering with or employing a nutritionist, health coaches, and someone skilled at teaching yoga, meditation, and other stress management techniques. I'm looking for a starting point, some help clarifying my dreams, and a road map to get me going. I don't feel clinically ready to start up yet, as most of my learning has been pretty specific to my own needs, and I want a more broad-based functional med education, which I hope to get over the next 9 months through the FMU program.


I know there is a huge market and demand for my talents and I need help figuring out how to get myself out there! I want my business to be successful, plain and simple... The "Practitioner Liberation Project" literally was EXACTLY what I was hoping to find.

I am someone who is passionate about helping people and I believe I'm really good at it. If I could give all my wisdom, support, guidance, etc. away for free, I would! But I have a family that I need to support. I know there is a huge market and demand for my talents and I need help figuring out how to get myself out there! I want my business to be successful, plain and simple. I looked at several resources and found there really wasn't much information on "how to build a successful online consulting practice" - I don't need to open a storefront, I need to know how to use Facebook and other social media platforms, I need to know how to market in today's world. The "Practitioner Liberation Project" literally was EXACTLY what I was hoping to find.

Shawna Silberzahn

Right now, I don't even know where to start... But I trust you guys and have been following your website for awhile now, so I know you can teach me the step-by-step process to set up a website, get clients, avoid legal mistakes, and make alliances with other health consultants.

I can help people with IBS, because I've taken the long painful journey to help myself. But so far there seems to be no way to connect with these people - no surprise, since IBS sufferers usually hide their condition. The PLP looks like the perfect way for me to get the mentorship I need to create a safe place for them to get help. I need the tools to set this up. Right now I don't even know where to start. It looks like a huge mountain in front of me to start this business. But I trust you guys and have been following your website for a while now, so I know you can teach me the step-by-step process to set up a website, get clients, avoid legal mistakes, and make alliances with other health consultants.


You are simply the answer to my prayers! I know deep down that I am meant to help others with their health.

FDN is giving me tools and a framework to begin formally doing just that. However, as I walk down this new path, I realize that my proficiencies are limited - I am acquiring (and will always continue to acquire) the health knowledge I need; and I am a strong communicator and teacher, but I don't know the business side of things. I have so many questions - price, marketing, accounting, and on and on. I am a smart, motivated person, but I am increasingly feeling overwhelmed by all the decisions I need to make and implement. I am hoping that getting your advice and experience around all these issues will help me set up my business more quickly than if I had to figure this all out myself, as well as give me some (much needed) confidence that I can be successful. After all, if I am not successful, then I will go back to giving friendly advice to my loved ones and they are sick of me.

Carole Mafrige

I have been following SCD Lifestyle for the past 4 years and have seen it grow. I trust that Jordan and Steve have built a system that works and will help me to spread the word about alternative methods of healing for UC sufferers.

I have been following a few online consulting professionals in marketing and video course creation to learn the ropes of the new online consulting world. This is the first course that has been specifically geared towards creating an online health practitioner business. I have been following SCD Lifestyle for the past 4 year and have seen it grow. I trust that Jordan and Steve have built a system that works and will help me to spread the word about alternative methods of healing for UC sufferers.

Amber Copeland

I mostly wait until people find me through the Internet, our advertising and newsletters. It's time I step out of my comfort zone and learn. So many people are hurting and they don't even know why or where to start for help.

Although I teach often and love that part of my career, my true passion at this time of my life is working with one individual at a time through the use of "food as medicine, energy sessions to help release anything that is stuck from a cellular level, and spiritual mentoring ( helping the client come to self-realization on why they have become ill in the first place). I offer packages and programs for Body, Mind and Spirit to help the "Whole Self." So, I have come to realize that I need to reach a wider audience than who I have been marketing to so far. I also feel way behind with technology. I don't go on Facebook, although I have a page. Honestly, I hate it. I have many requests from all over the world for webinars and I don't know how to do them. I am not comfortable at all with all the computer things that I don't know, so have done nothing to learn so far. I mostly wait until people find me through the Internet, our advertising and newsletters. It's time I step out of my comfort zone and learn. So many people are hurting and they don't even know why or where to start for help. So many times we see clients who have an issue and then find out later that the root cause is elsewhere in the body and easily taken care of and then the original issue goes away. I picked both of you to help me because I liked your message and just happened to open some obscure email from someone I don't even know. I'm going on intuition, honestly.

Nancy Livingston


  • 16 Profitable Business Building Modules
  • Worksheets, Transcripts, & Our Full Business Blueprint
  • 18 Tech Training Videos
  • 13 Hours of Specialized Help Inside the Business Vault
  • Lifetime of Support in the PLP Facebook Mastermind
  • Bonus: Legal Liability
  • Bonus: Advanced Selling and Copywriting
  • Bonus: The Network Effect for Unlimited Traffic
  • Bonus: Creating a Massive Facebook Following
  • Bonus: 4 Hot Seat Case Study Breakdowns
  • Lifetime Access to the Mentorship
TOTAL VALUE of $55,250
7 Payments of $797

Or Save $582 -- Pay in full


Will this work...?

Will You be teaching anything about health?

What if I'm just starting out?

Can I use this blueprint along with my current physical practice?

How much private, one-on-one help am I going to get from you?

What if I'm really busy right now and can't use it all right now?

Will You Be Listing Graduates On Your Website?

Is this right for me?

Is this blueprint legal?

“I have to give it to you, you have the social media and business side of this down, better than any other program I've seen lately with all the summits and education support, courses, etc. out there in the health field.”

Yocheved Frischman

“I can't thank you enough for creating the PLP project and mastermind group. I'm only getting started with branching into a whole new online business, but I'm confident that this training and resource will help me do it the most efficient and concise way at each step of the process. Steve and Jordan, you constantly inspire me from both a business perspective, as well as from a coaching perspective. Everything you do is top notch and comes from the space of really wanting to help people - it's an honor to get to learn from you and work with you. My humble thanks for all that you do.”

Deborah Vitale

“I am an MD training in functional medicine working to change my practice approach with the plan to leave mainstream medicine. I joined PLP to learn how to develop a successful online health business. Since joining, I’ve started to get a website up and running and gaining confidence. I now have the framework to continue to learn.”

Ann Rickert

"Priceless evaluation and recommendations! Thank you Steve for your time and expert knowledge in helping me create an effective website and offering constructive ways to reframe and remove my mental/emotional blocks that are delaying my movement forward and success in launching my online health practitioner practice."

Amber Copeland

“Honestly, I feel like this course is everything I needed and more.“

Bonnie Swencionis

“I had a life-changing revelation about my niche. I started writing my first free report (after my first blog) and then realised something wasn't resonating, so I went back to the drawing board and started completing weeks 1&2 again, only to realise my niche had been staring me in the face all along and it wasn't the original idea I first came across but something much more exciting and cutting edge, which has truly ignited my passion for this business even more. I am now embarking on a journey to become more specialised in the field of eating psychology and I will be eternally grateful for your process which lead me there. Thank you!”

Claudia Knight

“To study your program would be a privilege and an answer to prayers. After knowing what I do now - it hurts to not share it with others. Thank you for making this program available to people!”

Diana Sferopoulos

“You are a rock star Jordan Reasoner and you make me believe that I can be one too!! I didn't realize how deep I would be digging on this course, emotionally, spiritually. I love every moment of it, even the toughest times. And I appreciate every word of encouragement from the bottom of my heart. Thank you!!!”

Habiba Erica Brown

“The concept of needing to be very specific in choosing my niche before launching my online site gave me the confidence to move ahead when I am ready having the tools provided in the course. Just choosing my new business name and beginning to work on refining my niche market was an exciting first step for me. I shared my decisions with my yoga students who are very happy for me and some have expressed interest in possibly working with me when I get things up and running! While I am extremely excited about putting this into action, I am also very scared of the outcome!”

Lynne Bowsher

“I’m a health coach through ITN and I help moms transition to grain-free diets. I joined PLP to get some business education particularly in the health field. Before PLP, I only had business classes through ITN, but after PLP I’ve learned a lot of skills in building my business (like how to install a lot of the tech components) and I loved a lot of the mindset stuff. I also loved the worksheets that helped me define my niche and see what I needed to do. Before it just felt overwhelming and I feel like I have more clarity now. Now I see the boundaries I need to set in my personal life to make this happen. As a work at home parent, it can all get muddled.”

Jyl Cantieri McLean

"I am a Body Awareness Coach who helps ballroom dancers to sense their bodies, free their minds and dance like they’ve always dreamed. I am also an FDN practitioner who helps Ulcerative Colitis sufferers get to the root of their disease, identifying the internal and external stressors that may be preventing their healing, to help them take back control of their lives and live pain-free. When I started PLP, I soon realized that it was necessary for me to choose which identity I wanted to build my online business around.

PLP’s niche training was the most valuable part of the program for me. It really helped me clarify my direction and choose the identity I most wanted to follow. Through the PLP exercises, I realized that my number one passion is coaching ballroom dancers how to sense their bodies and effortlessly express themselves and that I want to pursue this work as my main online business venture. As an Ulcerative Colitis survivor, I still want to help people suffering from UC to get the information and tools they need by putting it out there online. However, at this point, I feel that it will be more of a side project.

PLP was the first program I could find that offered an infopreneur business course specific to online health consulting and product creation. Through my desire to become an infopreneur, I had done a lot of research into online business development and marketing but was unsatisfied with the online courses offered. Most of them were created for a very broad audience and lacked the specific "how to” application for a health practitioner business that I was seeking. I tried taking courses on certain elements of the online business development & marketing processes ie. how to grow an email list, how to create an online video course, etc…. but the glue to put everything together was missing. PLP provided the missing pieces and gelled it all together. One of my first successful applications of my PLP knowledge was doubling my Facebook page Likes in a week - from 60 to over 120 likes!

I was unclear of my path prior to PLP. Taking action helped me to clarify my personal vision and desires. I feel that I have gained time, not lost time, even though my initial reason for signing up for PLP was to grow my FDN practitioner practice for ulcerative colitis sufferers (www.ucsurvival.com) and I suddenly changed paths to focus on the promotion of my Body Awareness Coaching for ballroom dancers (www.unlockyourpotential.ca). I now know in my heart of hearts what I want to do and who I most want to help. The knowledge that I have gained from the PLP program is completely transferable for me, as body awareness coaching is still a health-related practice. I am following my heart and have the confidence and tools to successfully achieve my desires. Thank you for kick starting my heart's path!"


“I am naturopath with 15 years of clinical experience. My online business helps busy business women between 30 and 50 who are fatigued, anxious, and have hormonal and digestive disturbances. I joined PLP because I wanted to know everything about the online world of running a business, such as how to reach clients, create a niche, website etc. The niche selection worksheets were a great tool. Really everything, all the videos, they are all invaluable, I don't think there was just one thing, everything helped ALOT.

I am excited about starting my new business, it has given me a new challenge and opened my eyes to a new world online which I hadn't a clue about. I get up every morning and can't wait to do some work on it.”

Kate Driver

“I am an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach and Theta Healer that helps women with acid reflux heal their digestive tract. Before PLP, I felt like I was going in circles because I didn't know where to start. I had watched loads of free webinars and had lots of bits of information, but didn't know how to put it all together. After PLP, I narrowed down my niche, got a name and logo, and started designing a website. And I have an outline for my free report.

Now I have more confidence that I can actually succeed as a health coach. I'm still in school but I feel like I can start now.”

Karen Thomas

“I'm an FDN who works with female athletes and former athletes to naturally overcome symptoms of fatigue, insomnia, and libido. I joined PLP to help me define my client, organize an online consulting business, and learn from those who have already done what I strive to do. Before PLP, I was taught to charge a lump sum upfront and I think that got in the way of people making a decision to get help. Now I am following the PLP model and I have already signed up 3 people, generating $900 since I joined the program.

I like the swipe templates, health plan, and new client letter. I think presentation and professionalism can really leave an impression on clients. The hourly rate calculator is motivating and great for forecasting what I want to make and how to do it effectively. I am more confident with my sales pitch. I know that a $550 commitment for two consults to feel better is more doable for most people than a big sum.

I feel like I have a plan going forward, so I am not just wandering around in lala land trying to figure out what to do next.”

Rich Jacobs

“I bought my first Facebook advertising campaign last night. I'm promoting both my fb page and my website for 9 days. I know a couple of the new likes are from this group, but 8 are from the ad for sure. Not bad for 12 hours! Makes me feel like writing now.”

Sharon Wicker

“I am a 66-year-old female physician who learned NOTHING about nutrition and gut health in medical school. I have learned so much from you guys since July 2014 that I want to be able to give back. I am also taking a coaching program in the psychology of eating (Marc David) and want to be able to combine all information to be the most beneficial to others.”

Terrie Wurzbacher

How Christine Transformed Her Online Holistic Nutrition Business


  • 16 Profitable Business Building Modules
  • Worksheets, Transcripts, & Our Full Business Blueprint
  • 18 Tech Training Videos
  • 13 Hours of Specialized Help Inside the Business Vault
  • Lifetime of Support in the PLP Facebook Mastermind
  • Bonus: Legal Liability
  • Bonus: Advanced Selling and Copywriting
  • Bonus: The Network Effect for Unlimited Traffic
  • Bonus: Creating a Massive Facebook Following
  • Bonus: 4 Hot Seat Case Study Breakdowns
  • Lifetime Access to the Mentorship
TOTAL VALUE of $55,250
7 Payments of $797

Or Save $582 -- Pay in full

SCD Lifestyle BBB Business Review

We take your privacy very seriously. You can read our full Privacy Policy or our California Privacy Rights Statement here. © 2010-2025 Healthy Gut, LLC. All rights reserved. “Practitioner Liberation Project”is a trademark used by Healthy Gut, LLC. Please read our Terms of Use carefully before using our Website. By using our Website, you agree that you have read and consent to our Terms of Use. By entering your email address you are also requesting and agreeing to subscribe to our email list. From time to time, we provide financial incentives for people to write testimonials or endorsements of our products. Please review our FTC Disclosure Statement for more information about these practices.

The content of our Website and any products sold from this Website is intended for informational purposes.

Feel free to contact us through Email: support@practitionerliberationproject.com Phone:1-888-612-5997 or by Mail: Healthy Gut, LLC 3980 Broadway St, #103-166 Boulder, CO 80304.

[1]Financial results from our business activities are the actual results that we achieved. However, these numbers are presented for illustrative purposes only. Our results are the result of our unique experience, skills, education and investment of time and money. There is no guarantee that you will achieve any results or earn any money using any of our ideas, tools, strategies or recommendations. Nothing on our Sites is a promise or guarantee of earnings. Your level of success in attaining similar results is dependent upon a number of factors including your skill, knowledge, ability, dedication, business savvy, network, and financial situation, to name a few. Your possible success or failure are also contingent on many factors totally outside our control. Because these factors differ according to individuals, we cannot and do not guarantee your success, income level, or ability to earn revenue. You alone are responsible for your actions and results in life and business. Any forward-looking statements outlined in our offers are simply our opinion and thus are not guarantees or promises for actual performance.